Friday, December 19, 2008

Frustrations with Waiting

I'm not exactly sure what God's plan is during this trying time in my life, but I do know that he is teaching me that things happen in his timing and not in mine. I often want a quick fix or want things when I want them...but I'm learning that sometimes I have to wait and be patient. I suck with being patient. I know better then to pray for patience cause God will definitely give me something to be patient about. That's never fun! :-)

Doctor after doctor...diagnosis after diagnosis...test after test...the only sure answer I know to expect each time is to wait. Once again, I'm waiting some more. Decisions will not be made until January.

So I ask for your prayers during this time while I wait for answers and solutions. I am not good at waiting. I get very anxious and impatient. Pray that God will calm my heart and my fears. Pray that God will give me peace. Pray that God will give me understanding. Pray that God will give my doctors wisdom and that together decisions can be made.

Thank you all once again for your love, support and most of all prayers. I greatly appreciate them.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Upcoming Appointments

First of all I want to tell you how much I appreciate all your prayers, support, and encouragement. You have all been so wonderful! Next, I want to let you know about some upcoming appointments:

December 8- check up tests
December 17-check up tests
December 29-check up blood work

My doctor's are monitoring me very closely and we are working on a plan. Hopefully I will know something soon.

I am feeling better (getting over my cold) and I feel strong and healthy at this point. Keep praying and keep reading!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pray for Health

Hey Guys!! It's me, Jana...I am posting because we need to be praying that Megan can get healthy and well. She can't have her surgery until she is healthy again, but right now her immune system is shot and she can't seem to get healthy. She has been out from work two days this week fighting some stupid cold. I am trying to stay healthy too so that I don't give her anything. So I will start taking daily vitamins and I am going to go get the dreaded flu shot too. Guess it's good that I have a little motivation to go get my shot or I'd avoid it like the plague. Please be praying that Megan will get healthy and that those of us around her will also stay healthy.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mmm, delightful!!

If you wanted to donate to the Megan & Jana fund, we are accepting gift cards to Carinos in order to celebrate the "little stuff" being gone. We would love to go enjoy a delightful pasta as a way of celebrating.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Update of Good News!

Well, for those of you who are wanting updates on my actual medical status, here is some info!

I got some really good news this week! Did some more tests this week and the doctor gave be a good report.

A few weeks ago, I had a test done and the doctor pointed out all the "bad stuff" in my body. There was a lot of "little bad stuff" in my body...which is not a good thing. "Big bad stuff" can be removed easier then "little bad stuff".

This week, we did the exact same test and all the "little bad stuff" is GONE!!!! yeah! this is such good news! There is still one "Big bad stuff" left and that could be easily removed through surgery and medication.

God is answering prayers!

Nothing has been definitely set at this point for treatment and my doctor is keeping a close eye on me. I will keep you posted as things progress.

Thank you for all prayers and support!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Thanks Everyone!!

We would like to thank you for ordering the "Beat It" t-shirts! We had such an amazing response and constantly have people wanting to order so we will probably be placing a second order towards the end of the month. We are glad that we can be getting the word out about Ovarian Cancer and are excited to donate to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. We placed an order for 95 shirts today! If you still want one and did not get to order during the first round shoot us an email so we know to contact you when we place our second order. Thanks for the support!
*Jana and Megan*

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Educational Moment

I wanted to take a moment to educate you a bit. For those of you planning to wear the shirt (and those who are just reading). The objective behind the shirt is to make people ask questions. We didn't want something so obvious because then people would read it and walk on. This way, people have to ask you about the shirt which gives you the opportunity to talk to them about ovarian cancer.

Here are some facts to learn: You can let them know that 1 in 70 women will develop ovarian cancer and 1 in 100 will die from it. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 26,000 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year with approximately 15,000 deaths.The death rate is over 4 times that of breast cancer. It is known as the disease that whispers because symptoms are not prominent and they can be overlooked as something else.Many women with early stages of ovarian carcinoma have no symptoms. The unfortunate result is that two-thirds of all women with ovarian carcinoma have advanced disease at the time of diagnosis.

The NOCC has a campaign called Break the Silence to educate women on symptoms and to know what to talk to their doctor about. Someone close to you could be affected by ovarian cancer.

Since its inception in 1995, the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) has been committed to raising awareness of ovarian cancer in communities across the country and to providing education and support for women with ovarian cancer and their families.

NOCC has established itself as an important national advocate for patients and families struggling with ovarian cancer. Committed volunteers continue to build chapters throughout the country and work together to advance NOCC’s education and awareness efforts.

The Chapter network is the heart and soul of NOCC. It continues to grow and provides services in local communities throughout the nation. NOCC volunteers promote patient, public, and professional education, provide peer to peer emotional support, and conduct advocacy and awareness efforts. They organize events, sponsor educational programs, distribute literature and participate in NOCC’s speakers bureau.

*NOCC 1-888-OVARIAN toll-free information and helpline
*Comprehensive on-line ovarian cancer resource
* Publication and distribution of informational literature about the disease, its symptoms and risk factors, treatment and care issues, and community outreach to diverse populations and healthcare providers throughout the United States
* Availability of peer-to-peer support
*Special education and awareness projects
* Distribution of a national newsletter circulated to a grassroots national network of women living with ovarian cancer,families, friends, healthcare professionals, physicians, NOCC Chapters, supporters and the interested public
* Physician and healthcare professionals education through a Symptom Card program and Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs
*Aggressive September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month national public information campaign and special public awareness and education projects

If you have anyone interested, let me know size and color preference. Checks can be mailed to our house made out to Jana Bush. Once we make the donation, we will be sending out a letter from the NOCC recognizing the donation, so people will see that their money made it to the right place!