Friday, December 19, 2008

Frustrations with Waiting

I'm not exactly sure what God's plan is during this trying time in my life, but I do know that he is teaching me that things happen in his timing and not in mine. I often want a quick fix or want things when I want them...but I'm learning that sometimes I have to wait and be patient. I suck with being patient. I know better then to pray for patience cause God will definitely give me something to be patient about. That's never fun! :-)

Doctor after doctor...diagnosis after diagnosis...test after test...the only sure answer I know to expect each time is to wait. Once again, I'm waiting some more. Decisions will not be made until January.

So I ask for your prayers during this time while I wait for answers and solutions. I am not good at waiting. I get very anxious and impatient. Pray that God will calm my heart and my fears. Pray that God will give me peace. Pray that God will give me understanding. Pray that God will give my doctors wisdom and that together decisions can be made.

Thank you all once again for your love, support and most of all prayers. I greatly appreciate them.


1 comment:

Jana said...

Gods timing is for sure far better than ours will ever be. Just look at how much he has done already and if you wouldn't have been patient or wouldn't have been sick you may now have seen these miracles. For all the little stuff to disappear and now for what had grown to have shrunk instead of growing even more. God is good. Be patient friend. God is in control.